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Exhibitors are required to register in order to have a display.


All applications must be submitted in order to secure reservation (there is no fee to be an exhibitor at the IFFB).


Each booth will be provided with electricity if needed and one table.


Table coverings will not be included. The exhibit areas will be open after the close of the morning sessions until the evening sessions begin, and until ninety minutes after the evening sessions.


Manning your booth is at your discretion. All Bibles sold, promoted, or ordered in the exhibit space must be the King James Version. IFFB reserves the right to restrict exhibitors at the discretion of the moderators and/or secretary-treasurer.


If you cannot find the answer to your question(s) as an exhibitor, please contact us.


If you are not able to register by mail in time, we will have a registration area set up in the lobby of the church.

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